Lawley’s Week!

Well done to Lawley for another good, hard working week.  In Maths we have been concentrating on comparing numbers and objects, with our focus being on using the correct vocabulary and symbols for greater than, less than and equal to.  In English we have been looking at the key features of a recount in preparation of writing one in the next two weeks.

In RE we are concentrating on Judaism this half term, with children this week learning about the Jewish creation story.  In Topic we had an amazing start at the beginning of the week with a spaceship crash landing on our school field (see separate post). We have discussed this in detail in class and in Science, we analysed which materials we could see on the crash site, concentrating on describing the properties.  We also used the compasses to support our directions, learning about north, east, south and west.

We had our first spelling test on Friday and I was very pleased to see that so many of Lawley had learnt their spellings, let’s keep up the hard work!  Also, thank you to everyone who has read with their child at home, dojo points have been issued and it’s wonderful to see how children are sharing their books at home.


Online access codes have now been stuck in all children’s reading diaries.  These are for Bug Club (extra reading books): Purple Mash (online games and spelling practice), Mathletics (maths games) and Times Table Rock Stars (times table practice).  Please do have a go on these, they are a great tool for extra learning alongside our school work. If you have any questions, please do let me know.

A big well done to Ollie for receiving Star of the Week, you have been a good friend this week, helping others as well as demonstrating positive behaviour.

Finally, the children who were in Lawley last year or are new to our school need to reregister for Class Dojo.  New codes were sent out last week.  Please ensure you register and keep in touch.