Lawley’s Week!

This week in Lawley we have been reading The Aliens are Coming by Colin McNaughton, with our focus in a English being repetitive language.  In Maths we have been learning about related facts, adding and subtracting in 1s and number bonds to 100. In Topic we used the Chromebooks to look at Google Earth, with the children using their ICT skills to locate physical features around the world. Later in the week, children created their own version of Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh using the oil pastels.  In Science children used their investigative skills to see which materials could have their shape changed by bending, twisting, squashing or stretching.  Following this, they then made rockets using the materials, changing the shape of the materials provided.

A huge thank you and well done to everyone who made a satellite, we were all very impressed by them all.  Thank you to Mrs Platt for organising this competition.  Well done to Lawley’s winner, Amelia!

Lawley’s star of the week is Hanna, who has settled into Lawley and a Holy Trinity extremely well.  She works hard in all lessons, always listens well and tries her best in everything.  Well done Hanna!

Finally we say goodbye to Basel and his family.  We wish you all the best.