Lawley’s Week

We had something very exciting happen in Lawley Class this week – a T-Rex came onto our playground, left two huge footprints, and left an egg in our class!  We were lucky enough to go outside, study the footprints and measure the length of them – they were 90cm long!

This week in Lawley we have also been completing our unit in Maths on addition and subtraction, where the children have been using their number bond knowledge and adding three 1-digit numbers together.  In English, we have been looking at using capital letters and full stops, using verbs, adding adverbs, and using the conjunctions and, and because.  In Science we have completed our Science unit of Everyday Materials by observing which cup was the best to keep hot chocolate warm.  We used a plastic cup, a cardboard cup and a metal cup.  We made sure we carried out a fair test by using the same amount of liquid, starting at the same temperature and keeping the cups together in the same place.  We found out that the metal cup kept the chocolate the warmest, and discussed the reasons behind this, learning that the metal is a good insulator.  Everyone then enjoyed a cup of hot chocolate!

In topic, we became Dino Dentists, learning about the different shapes of dinosaurs teeth and the reasons behind why some were quite flat, and others very sharp.  We discussed what dinosaurs ate and this was the reason behind the type of teeth they had.  The children were confident about the difference between herbivores and carnivores, with them grouping the teeth together correctly.  Finally, the children chose their favourite dinosaur tooth and made one out of clay.  In RE we learnt about the meaning of Advent, learning about the significance of the candles, the importance of advent to Christians, and we even designed our own advent calendars.  In PSHE we had a session based on anti-bullying week, with children defining what a bully is and how we can make sure bullying doesn’t happen in or out of school.

During next week (beginning Wednesday, 25th November) we will be taking our Phonics Screening Checks.  This will be done by myself and Miss Wright, in a relaxed environment one to one with each child.  Everyone has worked so hard towards their phonics, I am looking forward to seeing all children shine and show off their phonics knowledge.

Congratulations to our star of the week, Anabel.  Anabel is a fantastic role model in Lawley, always on task, following our instructions and doing her best in everything.  Anabel has been working hard on her handwriting, reading and phonics, as well as on her column addition and subtraction.  Well done Anabel!

One final reminder, please ensure you are listening to your child read at home daily.  This is so very important as it helps children with their phonics, their understanding, as well as developing their vocabulary for their speaking and writing.  Thank you, Mrs Thompstone.