Lawley’s Week!

The end of another busy week in Lawley, time really is flying!  This week we have been writing our own dinosaur narratives in English, with the children including full stops, capital letters, adjectives, along with a beginning, build up, middle and end, and trying to include speech marks!  In Maths, we have been sitting practise Maths SATs papers.  Mrs Morgan and I are very impressed with the children’s efforts and the way they have followed our instructions beautifully. In Topic, we have learnt about Mary Anning – the famous fossil hunter.  Children created their own fact file based on Mary Anning, followed by in our Art lesson, making our own dinosaur fossils using plaster of paris.  A big thank you to Odin’s Daddy who allowed Odin to bring in a fossil for us to look at, and to Mrs Salter who had collected a range of rocks with fossils in them.  In RE, we discussed the Christmas story, and the children sequenced pictures of the story, describing what was happening in each picture.

We ended our week with an afternoon of birthday celebrations for all children who have had a birthday from September to now.  We had fun dancing, eating, and watching a film together.  It was a lovely way to spend time together, as well as celebrating birthdays!

Congratulation to Lawley’s Star of the week – Martin.  Martin has been showing random acts of kindness in class and at home.  He has been a good friend, being helpful to everyone in and out of the class.