Lawley’s Week

This week in Lawley we have certainly been getting into the Christmas spirit with our Christmas lunch and the Christmas Fayre (see our separate posts). We have also been busy continuing our unit on money in Maths, as well as researching the fossil process and writing a flow diagram on how fossils are formed in English.  In ICT, we have been continuing our coding unit, and in Science we carried out research on the Chromebooks based on what humans and animals need to survive.  We also had a discussion on the things animals and humans like or want to have, and the difference between need and want. In Topic, children created a timeline based on the different dinosaur periods, and in design technology, they designed and created their own sockasurus!

Well done to Indi who was our star of the week in Lawley.  Indi is always a great role model, she is always very helpful, doing the right thing and is a good friend.  Indi extends her learning away from school, by setting herself homework challenges, as well as enjoying reading.  Indi puts 100% in everything she completes and has been gaining full marks in her spelling tests.  Well done Indi.

A big thank you to everyone who has completed this terms dinosaur mask home learning project.  We will be having a look at them over the next few days and sharing them in class.  They are fantastic and I am extremely impressed with everyone’s efforts.

Please remember on Monday we have the Santa Dash.  Children are to come to school in Christmas pyjamas or clothing, but please ensure clothing is both appropriate and suitable, as well as being warm. Also, please can all children be in sensible footwear for running during our Santa dash. We are asking for £1 per child (for those who have not already sent this into school).

Thank you and I’m looking forward to our last week in Lawley before the Christmas holidays.