Lawley’s Week

We have had another busy week in Lawley, with our English focus being on a new text called How to Heal a Broken Wing.  In class we have been annotating pictures and using adjectives to describe what we see.  In Maths, we have been recognising 3D and 2D shapes, as well as counting the sides and vertices of 2D shapes.  In Science, we looked at fossils and in RE we concentrated on recapping the Easter Story.  We have also completed some Easter artwork by painting our hands in preparation of making a cross, and in our comprehension lesson we learnt about The Great Barrier Reef in Australia.

We have finished the week off our monthly birthday party, celebrating the birthdays of Elisa, Kaden, Scarlett, Jack, Odin, Kobie and Karla-May.

Well done to Simon for receiving our Star of the Week.  Simon has been working incredibly hard in English with his writing, using full stops, capital letters, phonics and neat handwriting, as well as being imaginative creating a pirate, sea monster, pirate ship and treasure for our pirate stories last week.  Great work Simon!