Lawley’s Week

The children have had the opportunity to show off their excellent Maths and Reading skills this week during our assessment week.  I am very proud of each of Lawley class as everyone has tried their best!  On top of our assessments, in Maths the children have been continuing their learning of fractions, focussing on quarters and thirds, as well as writing the fraction correctly.  In Topic we looked at a range of bridges from our country and around the world.  The children then designed their own bridge, and created on using paper straws and masking tape – it was great fun!  In RE we have focused on the Gospel from the Big Frieze, talking about how to be thankful and to consider the good news delivered by Jesus.  In Music we continued learning our Friendship song and the children had an opportunity to learn notes G, E and G on the Glockenspiels.  Then in PE we have practised a range of Athletic games.

Well done to Elisa who is our star of the week in Lawley.  Elisa has shared fantastic knowledge of fractions, applying this to her work and the activities.  She has also been able to recall and explain the numerator and denominator.  Well done Elisa!