Lawley’s Week

Welcome back to our Summer Term.  It’s been a lovely warm week to start our new topic, The Scented Garden.  We had an explore around the school grounds looking at the different plants, flowers and trees we could find, and learnt about the artist, Georgia O’Keefe, mirroring her artwork of flowers.  In Maths we have started our new unit on Multiplication and Division, with the children revisiting equal groups, adding equal groups, and understanding the multiplication symbol.  In English our new unit is Traditional Tales, we have been looking at Jack and the Beanstalk, and children have been learning all about the features of a traditional tale as well as suffixes.  In Science we looked at the lifecycle of a flower, which will help us over the coming weeks with out new topic.  In PE we learnt how to hold, position and throw a javelin, which was a little tricky with a strong breeze today!

Well done to Sienna who was Lawley’s Star of The Week.  Sienna is a brilliant role model, a great friend and an excellent helper to all children and staff.  Sienna always puts 100% into everything she does, and has been working extremely hard with her handwriting and presentation.  Well done Sienna.