Lawley’s Week

We’ve had a fun week in Lawley where we have been writing our own versions of Jack and The Beanstalk.  The children have worked hard remembering to use full stops, capital letters, adjectives, adverbs, suffixes, time connections and conjunctions (the list is getting longer!).  In Maths we have been making equal groups through grouping and sharing, learning the 5 and 10 times tables and dividing by 2.  In Science we focused on some of the things animals and plants need to stay alive, and in Topic we tested our senses with a range of foods.  In art we did printing, we used a range of leaves, twigs and flowers to paint on then print onto paper, and in RE we discussed Shelter Box ready for our Shelter Day on Tuesday.

Well done to Alfie who is our Star of the Week.  Alfie has worked hard over the last few months on his spellings and is achieving high scores every week.  He has developed beautiful handwriting and is taking pride in his presentation.