Lawley’s Week

We have had a lovely, creative week in Lawley.  In English we have been planning our diary entries, where we are being Jack from Jack and The Beanstalk and the children have been considering his feelings and thoughts.  I look forward to reading our diary entries next week! In Maths we have been learning about time, the children have blown my socks off with how quick they are picking it up, and every 15 minutes we have been looking at our class clock and they have all told me the correct time!  In Topic we have planned flower lavender bags, we will be developing our sewing skills next week when making them.  In Art we pressed flowers to make a picture, these are currently being pressed and we can not wait to see the results!  In Music we worked well together using the Glockenspiels, learning to play c, d, e, f, and g forward, backwards and in time with the rest of the class. In PE we practised our Sports Day running races ready for next week.  Finally in RE, we have created our own Big Frieze pictures using the oil pastels ready for a whole school display.

Well done to Miti who was our Star of the Week in Lawley.  Miti has been an extremely kind friend and has been supporting a new girl in Lawley who can not speak English.  He has also worked hard in Maths with telling the time.

Please remember to follow the Parent Pay instructions to book a parents evening slot on either Tuesday, 13th or Wednesday, 14th July.  There are a range of appointments still left and I look forward to speaking to you all.

Our Sports Day will take place on Wednesday, 14th at 10.00am.  We are all excited to show off our skills.