Our first week back in Lovely Lawley

Wow, what a week!  It’s been fantastic bring back together and seeing the children so excited about school. Everyone in Lawley had come back with a brilliant working attitude and eager to learn, we have been over the moon.

This week we have been looking at tally charts and pictograms in Maths, pirate stories in English, feelings in PSHE, animal offspring in Science and Mother’s Day art.

Congratulations to Jessie who received our Star of the Week.  Jessie has been eager to get this award for a long time, and has been asking how she can achieve this.  Jessie has taken on board everything I have said and worked hard with her sentence structure, punctuation and handwriting.  Well done to Jessie.

We issued new reading books on Friday so please do complete daily reading with your child.  We also handed out our new weekly spellings, ready for our first spelling test next Friday.

We will be having PE on a Monday and Friday from next week, so children need to be sent to school in their kits.  However on Friday, we are having a whole school pirate day, so this will be instead of PE kit.

I hope all mum’s, step mums and nanny’s had a wonderful Mother’s Day.

Remember, please contact me on Dojo if you have any questions about anything in Lawley or regarding your child.