Our week in Lawley

What an exciting week we have had in Lawley, starting with our pirate day on Monday. The children really enjoyed themselves making pirate hats, eye patches and telescopes.  We continued the pirate theme in our English, using our senses to describe a pirate story setting.  In Maths, children have been developing their number bonds to 10 and comparing addition and subtraction sentences

We have also started our new Science topic of seasonal changes, children were keen to share their favourite seasons and learn about the changes we see throughout the year.  In PSHE we discussed differences, children were keen to compare themselves with a partner, talking about what is the same and what is different.  Children each had a potato to see if they could find an identical potato.  After a while children realised all potatoes were different, this then moved our discussion onto why being different is positive.

Well done and thank you to the children regularly reading at home and practising their spellings.  All children should be reading at home frequently every week and practising their spellings daily ready for our class spelling test every Friday.