Our week in Lawley

We’ve had a busy week in Lawley, with everyone working extremely hard.  We started our topic off with making porridge and decorating gingerbread men.  Everyone had to follow the instructions carefully, which will help next week when children will be writing their own instructions.

In English our focus has been grammar, where we have looked at using full stops and capital letters correctly, as well as understanding what a verb and a bossy verb is.  Children then put all their skills together and wrote sentences on Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

In Maths we have spent the week on addition, where children have been securing their understanding of using number bonds to 10, using ten frames, number lines and part whole models.  Mrs Morgan and I have been particularly impressed with how well the children have used number lines, ensuring they form the jumps neatly and to the next number to make sure they reach the correct answer, well done everyone!

A letter was sent home yesterday regarding our class trip to Whittington Castle on Monday 1st April.  This will link in with our topic, with the castle staff providing costumes for the children to dress up in, as well as organising activities throughout the day.  Some letters were left behind, if you have not received a letter, please do let me know.

Finally, children have been given opportunities throughout the week to carry out Maths games and activities on Mathletics.  This is something we will be using weekly as it helps children apply the maths skills learnt in class.  Everyone has a copy of their login details in the front of their reading diary, allowing everyone access at home.  If you can not find your child’s login or you would like further information, please do let me know.  Children earn points for their activities, a scoreboard is being kept in class.