Thursday, 7th January 2021 – Home Learning

Good morning Lawley!

I hope you are all well and staying safe.  Thank you to the children who have sent me work from yesterday.  There are still many of you who have not been in touch, please send me a message so I know you are receiving my messages and are accessing our home learning.

Phonics Home Learning

Please join in with the daily Read Write Inc Phonics Session.

Maths Home Learning

Today I would like you to start my joining in with our counting in twos song.  Once you have done this, please write your counting in twos numbers up to 50.

Today we are going to continue with our multiplication and division unit by making equal groups.  This is where we make a certain number of groups, with each group containing the same amount. 

For example, I have five pots and each pot contains 3 grapes.  This means I have five equal groups of 3.

Let’s start by watching the video: 

Spr2.1.2 – Make equal groups from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Now we have looked at the concept of making equal groups, I would like you all to complete the questions on the following worksheet. Remember, you can write these on a piece of paper.

07.01.21 Worksheet

Cheeky Challenge: Now you have completed the worksheet on making equal groups, have a go at the cheeky challenge below:

English Home Learning

To start with, I would like you all to think of as many words that contain our special friend ‘oy, toy for a boy.’

I was really impressed with the stories I was sent yesterday, you have been working hard!  Today, I would like you to watch the film, The Butterfly Book by Michael Leunig:

What did you enjoy about the video?  How do you think the man felt when the butterflies came out of the book?  How would you feel if a book came alive?

I would now like you to read the description based on the video:

Your activity for today is to write your own description of the video clip.  I want you to think about what you see, how you would feel, and use your senses – what you see, hear, feel, taste and touch.

Remember, you must use:

  • capital letters
  • full stops
  • phonics
  • finger spaces
  • adjective
  • neat handwriting

Cheeky Challenge:  Which book would you like to come alive and why?

Science Home Learning

To start with, I want you to have a think about:

Think about the following questions:

Would you like humans to hibernate?  Why, why not?

In Science we have been learning about animals, including humans.  We have already looked at the lifecycle of a frog, today we are going to be learning about the lifecycle of a butterfly.

Please watch the video below:

Now, I would like to create your own poster showing the lifecycle of a butterfly.  Your poster needs to include the different stages in pictures, with a caption under each picture telling what each stage is.  All information can be found in the video above, or you could carry out your own research.

Have a good day Lawley.  Please remember to send me your work.  Keep in touch and stay safe.