Tuesday, 12th January Home Learning

Good morning Lawley!

I hope you are all well and keeping safe.  Thank you to everyone who has sent in work, we are all so proud of your efforts, keep it up!  Here are our home learning activities for today.

Phonics Home Learning

Please join in with the daily live session of Read Write Inc on YouTube, we are covering set 3.

Maths Home Learning

Let’s start our maths lesson off by recalling our number bonds to 10.  Please join in with the song, then write down all number bonds to 10.

Today we are going to be focussing on adding equal groups.  This is where we will be adding together the amount in equal groups.  Remember, equal groups are groups containing exactly the same amount, for example 5 and 5.  Let’s watch the video together to help us understand.

Spr2.1.3 – Add equal groups from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Now we have developed our understanding of adding equal groups, I would like you to complete the worksheet.  If you are unable to print this off, don’t worry, please just write the question number and the answer down for me to see.

Adding equal groups

Cheeky Challenge: Now you have completed our maths lesson, have a go at our mastery, digging deeper question.

English Home Learning

We are going to start our English session by thinking of as many adjectives to describe my animal below.  Remember, adjectives are describing words.

Today, we are going to continue with our book, What We’ll Build by Oliver Jeffers.  Please start by listening to Miss Wright read this story.

Our focus today is on talking and sharing our ideas on the text we have read and listened to.  First, look at the slides below, then share your ideas with someone else in your household before writing down your answers in full sentences, using full stops, capital letters and your phonics.

Cheeky Challenge: Which tool do you think might be the most important in our book and why?

Please remember to complete your daily reading and spelling practise.

Art Home Learning

In our art lesson today, you are going to choose an animal that may have been on Noah’s ark and draw the animal in detail.  This is not to be a rushed activity, I want you to take your time and concentrate, making sure you do your best.

Let’s start by watching this clip on how to sketch a lion’s face:

There are lots of tutorials on YouTube if a lion is not your chosen animal, ask a grown up to help you find a friendly, useful video.  I am looking forward to seeing your animal sketches!

Have a great day Lawley.  Stay safe and keep on touch.