English Home Learning 9th July 2020

Revising Word Types

he four main word types are nounsadjectivesverbs and adverbs.

You have learnt about these in previous lessons. Today you will be revising them.


Nouns are what we call the names of things, objects, places and people.

There are common nouns.

  • For example: chair, dog, pencil

As well as proper nouns.

  • For example: Hannah, Spain, Mr James
A smart-looking poodle dog


verb is a word used to describe an action, state or occurrence.

Here are some more examples of verbs.

  • Action (doing something)

The rabbit was jumping in the field.

  • State (being or feeling something)

The monster likes rollercoasters.

  • Occurrence (something happening)

The caterpillar became a butterfly.

When writing, make sure every sentence includes a verb.

The caterpillar became a butterfly

Adjectives and adverbs

Adjectives and adverbs are describing words.


An adjective is a word that describes a noun.

For example:

  • It was an exciting movie.
  • The sand on the beach was soft.
  • He ate some hot, salty chips.

Top tip!

When you have a list of adjectives you need to separate them with commas.

A sandy beach


An adverb describes a verb.

For example:

  • He ate his breakfast quickly.
  • They slowly dipped their toes into the pool.
  • Quietly, he crept downstairs.
He ate his breakfast quickly
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