home learning

There are some home learning resources available below. I had a technical glitch which meant they were not uploaded yesterday. Please note, if you are feeling unwell please do not feel any pressure to complete them!  RE work is split into two powerpoint as it was too large to upload as one. Please let me know if you are having any difficulty or questions at all!

RE part 1

RE part 2

RE handout

Maths work. The children have completed all the learning for this block but may need some help as some did find it hard/struggled to understand the question. Please continue to practice timetables on TTRockstars.


Currently I am unable to upload our English work due to the powerpoint being too large! Please see dojo for this or I can email it to you if this is easier. Please continue to read 3 times a week and record this in your reading record.

Any completed work can be brought back into school when next in, send a picture to me on dojo or emailed over if completed online.

I hope everyone is feeling O.K and if there anything at all we can do to help support you, please just let me know.