Maths Home Learning 22 June 2020

Turns and angles

We are now onto a new topic, Geometry!

Today we are looking at turns and angles.

Angles are all around us. An angle is created when two straight lines meet.

Look at the picture below. Two of the pairs of pencils show angles, can you work out which ones?

an arrangement of pencil

If your answer was the pair on the left and the pair on the right, then you are correct. The pair in the middle does not show an angle because the lines do not touch.

The picture below shows a right angle. This is a special type of angle that is a quarter of a full turn.

Right angle

You can check whether an angle is a right angle by using a set square, like in the picture below.

pencils arranged in a right angle, measured with a set square

Two right angles together make a half turn…

Half turn

So, three right angles make up three quarters of a full turn…

And four right angles make a full circle.

Full turn


Activity 1

Finding angles in your name

Write your full name in capital letters, like the examples opposite.

  • Highlight all of the right angles – how many are there?Lola James
  • Which capital letter has the most right-angles?

Repeat the activity with one of your friend’s names.

  • Does their name have more or fewer right angles than yours?

Activity 2

Make your own right-angle checker

For this activity, you are going to make your own right-angle checker.

  1. Draw around a round object, such as a tin, to make a circle.
  2. Divide the circle into four equal sections, then cut one of these out, so it looks something like the image opposite.
  3. Finally, turn over your right-angle checker and decorate it however you like – why not add an eye and some teeth?

You now have your very own right-angle checker . Go on a hunt around your house and see how many right-angles you can find. The pictures below give you some good ideas!

Send me pictures of your activities so I can give you Dojo Points!
