Maths Home Learning 26 June 2020

Challenges for Year 3

Challenge 1

Here is a toy car and bus.

The toy car and bus are lined up against a 15cm ruler; the car lines up from 0 to 6cm and the bus lines up from 7 to 15cm.

By how many cm is the bus longer than the car?

Grey line

Challenge 2

Here are 3 beanbags.

Beanbag A, beanbag B and beanbag C.

They are placed on a seesaw.

The first seesaw shows that beanbag B weighs more than beanbag C and the second seesaw shows beanbag C to weigh more than beanbag A.

Which beanbag is the heaviest?

Grey line

Challenge 3

Amir is dividing a 2-digit number by 3.

His answer is a whole number.

The first card displays the number 2, the second card is blank. A divide symbol sits before the third card, which displays the number 3.

What could the missing digit be?

Grey line

Challenge 4

Lewis makes a repeating pattern with some shapes.

A triangle, circle, pentagon, triangle circle, pentagon.

Lewis repeats the pattern.

What is the shape in the 50ᵗʰ position?

Visit the BBC Bitesize page and scroll to the bottom for the answers.