Summer 2 -Urban Pioneers

After the half term  we will be returning to school for our fantastic finish – Greek day. This is to  end the unit with a BANG! Or feast as we should say!

Following on from this, our new topic is called ‘Urban Pioneers. See curriculum map below for an insight to the unit. (Click  to enlarge):

CURRICULUM MAP urban pioneers

I have also attached a word map for you to talk through to start to familiarise yourself with key vocabulary:


And finally our book as the hook this half term is called ‘ Welcome to Silver Street Farm’. Each child will be encouraged to read the book as part of a whole class, group, paired or 1-1 read.


Some animal farms are up in the hills, or down winding lanes. But Silver Street Farm is different – it’s in the middle of a city, and it’s run by kids!

Even though Meera, Gemma, and Karl live in the city, they’ve always wanted a farm of their own. And it looks as though their dream may happen sooner than they imagined when Meera discovers an abandoned railway station with grounds for grazing. Next, some eggs they thought were foul hatch into ducklings, and a couple of “poodles” bought off the Internet turn out to be lambs. There’s just one problem: how can the kids – and the community – persuade the city council not to turn the old site into a parking garage? The first in a series of fun-filled stories about Silver Street Farm, here is a tale with natural appeal for kids who love animals, aim to be green, and enjoy a do-it yourself.


I am also attaching a list of home learning ideas you are welcome to do in your spare time to help you with the unit:

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