VE Day Celebrations 8th May 2020

VE Day is a very important day of celebration and rememberance in the United Kingdom. Watch the video below to see how the day was celebrated in 1945!

Below is a video by author Andrew- Powell Thomas who explains how and why VE Day came about!

Here are some activities you can take part in to help remember the sacrifices people made and the end of World War 2 in Europe. 

Read through the Powerpoint below to learn more about World War 2 and VE Day.

 KS2 VE Day Information PowerPoint

Next, you can try these activities.

Design a VE Day Medal

‘Code-Cracking for Beginners’ Morse Code Worksheet

KS2 VE Day Themed Colouring Pages

Simple WW2 Spitfire Glider Activity Paper Craft

Can you write an information text about what happens on VE Day? 

Please visit Purple Mash and click on the 2DO button to see the activity.