Nursery Fun

Hello everyone!


What a busy few weeks we have had! For the last two weeks, we have been learning about minibeasts. This fits in with our term theme of animals. We have read the Very Hungry Caterpillar and the Cautious Caterpillar as our main stories over the last two weeks.Our stunning start was when we made minibeast hotels. We used lots of twigs, leaves, cardboard boxes and other goodies to make our cozy hotels for the bugs. Thank you so much to everyone who brought in things for us to use – the bugs are very happy!



We have also painted some beautiful bug doors for all the minibeasts that live outside the Nursery. We talked about which minibeasts might like to use them

Last week while we were all asleep, a huge spider caused havoc in the Nursery! He spun a web which the children had to try and get through. It was tricky, but we all managed it! 

We have also had some special guests join us in Nursery. We are looking after some caterpillars and watching them grow. We hope that in a few weeks they will turn into butterflies! We look at them every day to watch how they grow and change. 

We have also had a bug hunt (we told you it was a busy few weeks!). We had to find mini beasts such as spiders, ants and woodlice. We also looked for different coloured flowers.

We have had lots of bug fun and have been doing some lovely bug activities. Here are more lovely photos of your delightful children. They are always learning through their play and are building on their knowledge and understanding of things around them.


 We have had lots of fun exploring mini beasts as part of our animal topics. Next week we will be learning about arctic animals and sea creatures. 

We would finally like to welcome Stivun, Zlatka and Raya and their families to our nursery.

Thank you from the nursery team.