Hello everybody,

We hope you all had a lovely summer break and managed to enjoy some family time together.  Mrs Kenning, Mrs Maltby and Mrs Dorofte  are delighted to be back in nursery for another years fun and games. This term we welcome lots of new children and their families to our lovely Holy Trinity Community. Since returning after 6 weeks the returning nursery children have come straight back in raring to go as well as our new children who have also come in wonderfully and settled into the nursery routine. What superstars your children are!

Firstly i would like to share with you photos of our stay and play session which we held last Friday as an induction for our new children. It was lovely to spend time with our new families and hope you all had a lovely time.

On Monday, we welcomed all of the children back and what a lovely time we’ve had since then. The children have enjoyed exploring the nursery environment and are all starting to get used to the rules and routine of nursery. We have had some beautiful sunshine so we have made the most of our outside space. Here is a selection of photos to show our outdoor learning so far.


As you can see the children are having lots of fun in nursery and making the most of the sunshine. We also have a large indoor area and outdoor classroom which the children have been making the most of. Here are some more photos.

We have some wonderful experiences in nursery and hope you’ve enjoyed seeing your lovely children engaged in play and their learning. Every play experience is a learning opportunity and nursery will help  encourage and support your child to engage in new experiences. Please connect to class dojo, which you should have had an email sent to you as this is sometimes the easiest way of communicating with you. As  a team we want to share new experiences with you and class dojo is good for this. Also if you forget to pass on a message you can send us a message too. Any questions please do not hesitate to ask a member of the nursery team.

We look forward to seeing your children develop and thrive within the nursery environment.

Thankyou for sharing your lovely children with us.

The nursery team