Hello everybody.

What another busy week we have had in nursery. The children are having lots of fun exploring the environment. We are enjoying getting to know the children and their particular interests. We are talking lots about “growing” as part of our transition project called “Growing together”.

A lot of the children are liking the water play, some choosing to pour and empty, some using the water to wash the babies. Here are some water play photos from the last week.


The children are enjoying the outdoor space and learning to explore in a variety of different ways. Here are some more photos of the outdoor area,  the children are learning to become independent by putting on their own coats and wellies and getting their own hats when needed.



As you can see the children are exploring lots and are keen to learn. We also took a lovely walk to the forest to see what minibeasts we could find. This offered lots of communication and the children were engaged and keen to see what they could find.

Some children have been enjoying getting creative and using paints, the interactive board or pens to make beautiful pictures. Some have enjoyed making flowers and other things with the playdough.


The children have had lots to do to keep them busy and here are some more photos showing some of the lovely things your children are doing during their time at nursery. These are just a selection of photos and activities that happen. We encourage independence through it all including pouring their own drinks at snack time, and buttering their own crackers all of which can be supported at home through various independence tasks.


We love watching your children learn and explore every play activity is a learning opportunity to encourage language and independence. We do lots of rhymes at nursery and have a story at the end of each session. These are all things that can be enjoyed at home as well.

Next week on Wednesday we would like to invite you to join us for our planting project. We have been sharing a book called Errols Garden, which can be found on you tube if you wanted to have a look. We look forward to seeing you at 930 on Wednesday morning to help your child do some planting and are grateful to all those who have said they will donate some planting materials for us. Please let us know if you can make it, and if not we will take lots of photos to share with you.


Once again thanks for sharing with us your wonderful children, we love being part of their journey.

From the Nursery Team.