Hello everybody  its that time  of the   week again, to show all the nice things nursery have been doing .  We have been looking at dinosaurs and found some dinosaur feet along the floor. We looked at a big dinosaur head and saw the big teeth, which led to us talking about our own teeth, and having a special visit from a dentist.


The children got to wear a special light on their heads and had a go at brushing some teeth as well. We will be continuing looking and talking about healthy teeth next week. The children have enjoyed dinosaur stories, dinosaur songs and we even had a remote control dinosaur  which we were learning how to operate.  We also had some dinosaur bones which we buried in the sand and had great fun digging them out. We are very clever learning all these new skills.

Some of us dressed with dinosaur tails, and we enjoyed doing some mark making with pens to some dinosaur music. We liked looking at special dinosaur books and some of us told the children all the special names of them.

The dinosaurs (and the children) were very hungry so Mrs Kenning decided that could have some carrots and potatoes. The children enjoyed using knives to chop the vegetables. Then helped Mrs Kenning put it in a pan to boil. When they were cooked the dinosaurs wanted to eat them and we tried them too.

The dinosaurs are still lurking in nursery and next week will be coming for more fun and adventures with the nursery children. We may make the dinosaur something exciting.

We would like to thank Winter-Iris and family for having a lovely time with Henry and Henrietta and brining them back safely. They certainly had some wonderful adventures. This week they are going home with Liberty. I’m sure they will have lots more adventures.

This week we also had our first star of the week where parents were invited in to the hall for the celebration assembly. We chose Eva this week for her consistent hard work and always trying. She has also shown a great interest in stories and likes to share these with us and at home. Well done Eva. I know your mummy and daddy were very proud as are we.

However all of your children are stars to us and we would choose them all every week if we could, but don’t worry every child will have a turn at being nursery star of the week and you will be invited in to watch them get their certificate.  We must say that Roman had star of the week last time but parents were not in at this point so we will repeat again to make it fair at some point.

Thankyou to you all for your continued support and all your children are delightful.

The Nursery Team