Hello everybody

We have had a very busy two weeks in nursery.  Last week we had Nursery Rhyme week, where we focused on a different rhyme each day. Monday we sang baa baa black sheep and did some lovely learning activities, including making sheep biscuits.

Tuesday we did incy wincey spider. We looked at how many legs a spider has and counted to 8.  Some children made play dough spiders and used pipe cleaners to make the legs.

Wednesday we sang 5 little speckled frogs and the children had a turn  at being a frog.


Thursday we had scrambled egg on toast as part of Humpty Dumpty. Mrs Kenning drew faces on the eggs and then they fell into the bowl like Humpty Dumpty.

Then Friday was Children in Need day and we dressed up in our own clothes. Thank you for your donations.

Then Friday was Children in Need day and we dressed up in our own clothes. Thank you for your donations. Throughout the week we had lots of exploratory learning as well and here are some pictures.


Last week saw Nikol as our star of the week, well done to you   and all children deserve the star of the week and they will get a turn. To us they are all stars.

That brings us to this week we have been learning about penguins and we definitely had the cold weather for it.  Your children are always entertaining and surprising us with how clever they are. We are  very grateful we get to share their learning journey with you.


We have been very lucky to have Amanda come and do music sessions once a week. The children are learning new ways to explore with music.


This week we chose Graham as Star of the week and nursery hippos have been to Fletcher and to Tyler’s homes and is spending the weekend with Roman. The next few weeks will be very busy with Christmas festivities. Bring on the glitter!

Thankyou as always for the support. Your children are wonderful and we love being a part  of their development

Mrs Kenning and Mrs Maltby.