Hi everybody, what another busy week at nursery. This week we have been exploring the world of The Three Little pigs. The children have been told the story, and have watched a  puppet show in the library. They have drawn their own pig pictures, and built homes for them as well. Here are some wonderful pictures from Nursery this week. We are lucky enough to have a great school library, which the children get to visit twice a week.


The children are learning life long social skills playing together, sharing,  and learning to be independent.  We visit the forest  every week and encourage the children to put their own  wellies and coats  on. You can encourage this at home by allowing your child to be as independent as they can.

George K was star of the week this week. Well done to him.


After a discussion this week we realised you weren’t accessing Evidence Me . This should have been rectified now and you should be able to access your child’s learning observations. We are sure you will enjoy them.

As always thank you for the continued support.

The Nursery Team.