Hello everybody it seems like forever since we last made a web post we have been super busy as always in nursery. We have welcomed some new children after Easter whom have all settled well, and we started by looking at the giganotosaurus story in which we have explored dinosaurs. We had a mummy dinosaur leave some eggs behind and the children enjoyed seeing what happened when they cracked. We have been doing lots of bug hunting as well as the children are really interested in this at the moment.  We have also introduced phonics a bit more for the children due to go to reception class in September, which they are brilliant at and are really having a go. Here are a few photos of the few weeks back.


We hope you enjoy the   photos your children are  delightful and we are so  proud  of them all. We have  a few more busy weeks and hope you enjoy sharing the  photos.

Thank you for sharing your  children with us.

The Nursery Team