Hello everybody, we’ve had another busy week in nursery. We have been going with the children’s interests and exploring minibeasts. We have been reading the Hungry Caterpillar  Story, learning the days of the week and the life cycle of a butterfly. We even went for a run to see if we could see any. We chased the ones we saw.   As usual we have been exploring the nursery environment. We have been counting, singing, learning and exploring. Fred has been helping the older children learn the sounds “n” and “l” and the children are very clever and remember all the ones we’ve learnt so far.  What clever children you have!

Learning and Exploring is done everyday through the children’s play, they learn to make friends, become independent and learn social and basic life skills including problem solving and negotiation.

Here are some  photo’s of the busy week we have had.


Some children engaged in hide and seek, using their amazing number skills, sharing and turn taking. They worked together as a team.

We’ve had a spontaneous talent show with ballet dancing and break dancing. What talents they have and we are so lucky they are confident to share with. us all. The children are proud when they do something well or try hard and we encourage them to keep trying their best.

Thank you  again for the delightful experiences we get to share with your children.

The Nursery Team