Hello everybody and welcome back to the new term, we have had  a busy but exciting few weeks. Firstly we welcome all our new children and their families, the children are enjoying exploring the nursery areas and are beginning to learn the new rules and routine. We welcome back our children that have stayed with us and are sure you all had a lovely summer break. We are very lucky to have a lot of outside space and the children have been busy exploring this area. Here are some photos from our first few weeks in nursery.

The children have been using their physical development skills using the cars and trikes outside, as well as digging and building in the sand. Some children have enjoyed making marks on the ground with chalk. There is always a learning opportunity for young children and some children took an interest in the apple tree so we decided to collect some in a basket then chop them up for snack. This showed great control and fine motor skills, as well as lots of language being used about the color and size of the apples. Your children are very clever and we are excited to watch them develop and thrive.

Young children learn best through play, during their time in nursery they will have a variety of experiences which will all develop their knowledge and understanding in different areas. The activities open up lots of opportunities to communicate as young children need lots of language around them.

We are very lucky as a school to be able to access the forest. The children had a lovely time exploring and we talked about what we might see, the children were already talking about butterflies so we visited the forest to see if we could see any. They loved it and we will certainly be visiting again!.

As you can see the children have had a brilliant time exploring the nursery environment. We encourage independence and the children have lots of opportunities to develop this, through toileting, handwashing, pouring own drinks etc.

We have shared lots of rhymes and stories and the children are settling well. We will be introducing the story “The Gingerbread Man” over the next few weeks and lots of exciting activities to go with it. We are lucky to have Mr Cartwright join us in nursery for a while,  a trainee teacher, whom I’m sure will provide some wonderful opportunities for learning through play and exploration.

We also are very lucky to have Miss Roberts and Miss Heath helping us in nursery as well.

Your children are delightful and a pleasure to have. We look forward to lots of exciting opportunities with them as well as working with you and the local community.

Thankyou and we hope you enjoy the selection of photos.

From The Nursery Team