
Another busy week in nursery and lots of lovely learning. Mr Carruthers very kindly let the children help him fill our mud pit by using their wheelbarrows to collect and empty the soil and then they used rakes and spades to dig and even it all out a . A great big Thankyou for allowing the children to have such opportunity. We had a pyjama day on Wednesday as part of our text and the children enjoyed pretending to sleep on a blow up bed and having cereal when they woke up. We discussed what happens before bed including bathing and brushing teeth.
We are very lucky to have had Mrs Roberts come and start some lovely art work in nursery with more to come. This is our new welcome sign and hungry caterpillar tree. The children love it all. Thanks so much to her we really appreciate you helping make our environment look nice. 

The children are also enjoying the new shed outside where they can access the resources they would like themselves. 

THe children are gaining confidence and independence daily and you can help at home by giving them responsibilities. We have had a great week once again. Please feel free to share any exciting things you do at home via class dojo. If you are not connected please make sure you connect it is important for your child’s journey to be part of the school.

Miss Evans and Mrs Wickwar.