Hello, we’ve had a busy first week back at nursery. This term we will be looking at the story The three little Pigs, as well as following the interests of the children. We have turned our role play area into half home corner half school as the children showed interest in playing schools and teachers. They have enjoyed using the play laptop to do their important work.
we have introduced the story and used a tuft tray with different materials including straw, bricks and sticks. We have talked about the wolf huffing and puffing. We have also done some physical exercise moving in different ways before the wolf can blow us down.
This week in the morning we have also started our brilliant brushes session. All children have a tooth brushing kit to take home and each morning in nursery we have a two minute brushing session to a song called brush your teeth to the tune of baby shark.
Fred the phonics frog has been using lots of games to sound talk this week and Fred is so pleased with the children already.
Here are some photos from our week.