We have had a very busy week this week continuing with our set text The Three little pigs. We have made lots of pigs houses outside using a variety of construction resources such as crates, boxes, poles etc. We talked about the wolf coming and wondered if he would be able to blow the houses down. The children pretended to be the wolf themselves and tried to blow it down. We have used shaving foam inside with sticks and bricks to encourage mark making.

Alongside our pig activities we have been looking at nursery rhyme week. We always sing lots of rhymes anyway but this week we had some activities revolving around specific rhymes. Here are some pictures from our week.

We have been lucky to have Mr Barnes come and sing with the children on a Wednesday and on a Thursday we now have exercise and movements with Neil and Paris. The children had a lovely time today moving around the hall, they did very good listening and could follow the instructions that were asked of them. What superstars they are. Well done nursery.
We have been doing lots of counting and number activities, lots of language and communication games and Fred talk, all of which can be continued at home. This is the start of your child’s learning journey please continue to do what your doing and let them be independent learners. Thankyou for your continued support.


Miss Evans, Mrs Wickwar. Mrs Dallow.