Hi everyone we’ve had a very busy week again at nursery, we have started our Christmas activities which the children are enjoying especially the glitter. We have had white glitter in a tuft tray with animals and we talked about snowy weather as the children said it was like snow. We have done lots of mark making and the children are particularly enjoying the Christmas colouring. We have had some adventures with our elf this week which has opened up lots of communication and listening skills for the children. We have had Christmas jumper day and Christmas dinner day aswell the children loved showing off their Christmas clothes.

We have been exploring patterns this week and used the interactive white board game to see what came next in the Christmas pattern. They are improving these skills daily.
The children enjoyed pe with Neil again today and are learning to listen and follow instructions and are being introduced to different games. They are really enjoying it and are doing super listening

As we approach the end of term we have a busy week or so ahead. On Monday we have carols around the tree in the hall where we will be joining in singing a carol.


Please continue to encourage your child to be independent. The children have all learnt to put on their own coats. You might be surprised ask them to show you.

Thanks for your continued support

Miss Evans , Mrs Wickwar and Mrs Dallow