Hello again its that time of the week where you get to have  a look at some of the wonderful things your children have been doing in nursery.


We have continued to look at pirates and have read a selection of pirate stories  and shared pirate songs and movement activities together. The children already have a great knowledge base about pirates and we are enjoying learning and extending this knowledge with them.

We have been on a pirate treasure hunt through the school, and some children had to find the diamonds of all different colours, which was great for learning the colours and also opened up lots of language opportunities to discuss how the pirate may have left them. The children showed good listening skills and could follow the instructions set to them.


The children are continually learning through lots of play opportunities. We value your contributions and information about your children. Next week we have world book day. your child can come dressed as their favorite book character or as an alternative the EYFS staff are dressing up as the colour feeling monsters, each colour represents a different feeling, the children are more than welcome to do this also,.

Thanks again. Your children are wonderful and thriving daily!

Miss Evans,. Mrs Wickwar, Miss Rowley