Hello everyone, we have had yet another busy fun filled week in nursery. We have continued looking at our set text “Gigantosaurus” in which there are four baby dinosaurs and there mummy dinosaur is telling them to beware of the Gigantosaurus. We have explored musical instruments to make different dinosaur sounds, we have explored a dinosaur tuft tray and green swampy water. Alongside this we have been following the interests of the children by using different sensory materials and cake cases and pans to make some pretend cakes. This opened up lots of language opportunities and we talked about empty and full, big and small and the children were making some delicious things by using their imaginations.

We have also been showing great independence skills by buttering our own toast at snack, pouring our own drinks and putting on our own coats. Has your child shown you the nursery way to put on their coat?

The children have started going back to the hall this week for lunch aswell in order to prepare the children for reception, they have been absolute superstars and did really well.

Here are some lovely pictures of our fun activities.

What fun we have had!. More photos will follow on Monday to show the fun and learning from today

Thanks for your continued support

The Nursery Team