Hello everybody,

Its that time of the week again. We have continued looking at the children’s interests of minibeasts this week alongside dinosaurs. We read a book called Sam’s Sandwich where a little boy puts different minibeasts in his sisters sandwich. The children loved it!

We have talked about what our favourite sandwich fillings are and even made real sandwiches too. We have continued exploring the garden for bugs and have found some spiders, ants, slugs and many more. The children’s interest in minibeasts at the moment is ongoing and we are continuing to investigate and explore this with a variety of activities. We have enjoyed sensory play with a variety of new fruits such as passionfruit, avocado and melon we were looking what was inside each one and how they were different to each other. The children used language such as “hard”, “soft” “squishy”.

We have also decorated bird boxes for the schools garden of hope, they are very colourful and look like rainbow ones. The children enjoyed doing this.

We have also had our usual PE session with Neil and Paris, but we went on the big field instead and they were amazed at what good listening the nursery children did. What superstars they are!


Here as usual are a selection of photos from our busy fun week in nursery.