Hello everyone, it’s been another busy week in nursery. We have enjoyed looking and talking about how the caterpillars have changed. We have also transferred them into a net to wait for them to turn into butterflies.

our story this term is called The Sea Saw by Tom Percival about a little girl who loses her special teddy on a journey.

Thankyou for sending in photos of the children with their special items, they have enjoyed talking about them to each other and the adults. There is still time to send in if you haven’t already done so.

We have been doing lots of learning and exploring being doctors, making a donut shop and still bug hunting outside. We have learnt some new sounds in phonics and are getting very good at remembering them.
we have talked about teddy bears picnics if we have ever had a picnic and shared what foods we could take.


The next few weeks will be very busy with different things happening in school, the children due to go to reception will have transition days soon and we will be having our nursery sports day.

Thanks for your continued support.