Hello all,

We have had yet another busy week in nursery. We have been continuing to look at our set text The Sea Saw and have now discovered how the little girl loses her teddy at the beach and have been talking about how she may feel. We have made puppets from the story to reenact using a puppet theatre, which became lots of different things as the children used their imagination.

A great big well done to the children for taking part in our Ugly Bug Ball sports day, it was amazing to see so many of you come and support the children and join in aswell. The children did brilliantly and even those that didn’t attend have been fantastic in practicing for it. So well done nursery and thankyou parents and carers.

Exciting news is that we have had some butterflies arrive and have already released some into the garden. The children were so excited as were we.

We have been doing lots of learning and exploring as always and we hope you enjoy the selection of photos below.

Thankyou everyone.

The Nursery Team