Hello everybody

We have had yet another busy and fun filled week in nursery. We continued looking at the gingerbread man story, and asked the children if they knew what a baker did. The knowledge and understanding was very vast and we were super impressed. We made some bakers hats and made a bakers role play. Some children wrote the prices, some did the cooking and some were the customers, all in all the children had great fun and were learning so much in the process. We also introduced 5 currant buns and sang this during circle time , this encourages the children to take turns and initiate in a same theme game.

Alongside the gingerbread man story we have been following the children’s interests. The children were loving exploring the apples from our very own apple tree so we collected some and used tools to chop and peel the apples (all closely supervised) we then turned it into an apple crumble which some of us tried at snack time. The experience and language skills the children used was brilliant. Well done Nursery!

We have also seen lots of exploring outside turning the cars and stands into a car wash initiated by the children. They enjoyed working together and cleaning the cars with brushes and sponges and driving through to go round again. Team work at its best!

We also have been looking at different shapes in the environment and some children used this idea to create houses and castles, both inside and outside using natural resources also.

What a busy week! Alongside all this we are continually encouraging and supporting independence through play, including putting own coats on, pouring own drinks, spreading their own butter on toast. Lots of lovely learning opportunities through everyday play and activities.


Here are some of the wonderful photos from the week.

Any questions please ask a member of the nursery team





Have a good weekend

The Nursery Team