Friday 26th June Home Learning


Good morning Nursery children and families,


Today we are going to start by doing some yoga:


And now a song about the days of the week and the months in the year:







Place some balls approximately 1.5 metres away from a bucket or box. Ask your child to throw the balls into the box. How many did they get in the box? Take turns and record scores. Who can get the most balls in the box? 

Indoor Throwing Activity That Won't Break Breakables | Hands On As We Grow®






For this activity you need 10 plastic bottles. Number the bottles 1-10 and stand them up as skittles. Take turns with your child to roll a ball and knock the bottle skittles over. How many are knocked over? Which numbers did they knock over? Who knocked the most/least over?

Plastic Bottle Number Bowling! | Gross motor activities, Activities, Kids  learning activities







Now I would like your child to make patterns by ball rolling. You need a small box or container that your child can hold. Cover the base of the container in paper. Get a small ball or small apple or orange. Dip it into paint and pop it into the box. Ask your child to move the box causing the ball to roll around it and make patterns. Can the make the ball roll from side to side? Top to bottom? In circles?

Using a marble or a bouncy ball, dip the ball into paint roll it across the  paper that is placed in a box. It creat… | Action painting, Art for kids,  Art         ball rolling in paint | Right from the Start






If you go out in the rain today pick up a stone and drop it into a puddle. What happens to the puddle? What shapes appear when you drop the stone into the puddle?


Have a lovely day and weekend everyone!