Friday’s Home Learning


Good morning Nursery children and families,


This morning we are going to start with a different days of the week song:


and now a song to help learn shapes:



Now you need to have a timer for the next activity; this can be on a phone or a watch. I would like you to pretend to be these animals and move like them for the amount of time it says. Can you think of any other animals you can pretend to be?


Now I would like you to choose a letter/sound from the alphabet. Using the rhyme from the Read, Write Inc phonics sheet write the letter onto a piece of paper. How many items can you find in your house or garden beginning with the sound?



I would like you to cut up or tear some strips of paper. Using the strips of paper can you make a square? A rectangle? A triangle? A circle? How many edges does each shape have?  Maybe you can make some other shapes too?


Can you create a rainbow by printing using something you have in your house and paint? You could use a cup, a yogurt pot or the inside of a kitchen roll. If you can remember how many colours there are in a rainbow and what colours they are.


An activity for you to do over the weekend: I would like you to make an insect hotel similar to the one we have in Nursery.There are different ways which you can make the insect hotel; I’ve put some pictures below. Hopefully in a few days some insects will have come to stay in your hotel. Look very carefully and see which insects you can spot.



I hope you all have a lovely weekend!