Friday’s Home Learning


Good morning Nursery children and families,


We are going to start the day today by following the instructions and warming our bodies up:


Here is another days of the week song:

What day is it today? Can you sing the days of the week song? What day is it today? What day will it be tomorrow?




Today is our last day of our rainbow topic. Can you answer the following questions?

  • How many colours are in a rainbow?
  • What colours are in a rainbow?
  • Which is your favourite colour in the rainbow?
  • What shape is a rainbow?
  • Can you sing and use Makaton signs to sing ‘I can sing a rainbow’?





Today I would like you to finish our rainbow topic by making a collage rainbow in any way that you would like to. You can make a rainbow by using items from your house, colour or paint a rainbow or use collage materials.






Here is the story Monsters Love Colours by Mike Austin. Watch and listen to the story What happens when the monsters scribble on the pages?

I would like you to do the same as the monsters do in the story You can use crayons, paint or chalk.Now you need to make ‘scribbles’ on the paper. What happens to the colours?.Can you write your name, or some numbers or shapes and make different colours? Or even a rainbow?





This activity can be done outside. You need some chalk to write numbers or letters of the alphabet in different place around your garden or house. Now someone in your family needs to say the name of a number or the sound of a letter, you have to find the letter or number and, using a squirty bottle filled with water, squirt the number or letter until it disappears.

Have fun everyone!

As it is half term next week there will not be daily home learning activities posted. However, I will be posting one challenge for you to do with your families.