Friday’s Home Learning


Good morning Nursery children and families,

Today is the last day of our ‘bubbles’ theme. Next week we are going to start the Summer term topic that we would have been doing if we were all in Nursery ‘How high can I jump?’


We are going to start the day by joining in some bubbles counting songs:






Today I would like your child to do some letter recognition. If you have some bubble wrap I would like like you to write a lowercase letter in each bubble. When your child  tells you what sound in on the bubble they get to pop it. The goal is for them to pop all of the bubbles! If you don’t have bubble wrap you can draw bubbles on paper and your child can colour in or finger print on the sound. To extend this activity write names or words for your child to find the letters of on the bubble wrap.

Using bubble wrap as a learning tool for young kids!





Now I would like you to create a bubble hopscotch for you and your child to play. If you have bubble wrap I would like you to cut it into 10 large squares. You can draw numbers in bubbles on paper or, if it isn’t raining, use chalk outside if you don’t have bubble wrap. On each of the squares draw a number 1-10. Lay out the numbers as shown below. Now throw a coin, bean bag etc onto square 1. Now the fun part starts! Hop and jump along the hopscotch avoiding number 1 square; using one foot to hop on the single squares and a foot on each square to jump on the double squares.When you reach number 10 turn around hopping and jumping back to the square before the coin. While balancing pick up the coin or beanbag and hop back to the start. Continue this until you get to number 10. If you miss to throw the coin or beanbag onto the number or you lose your balance then it is the next person’s turn.




Here is the link to an online number game for number recognition and counting

You can also carry on enjoying blowing bubbles and counting them, seeing how far and how high they travel 
Have a lovely day and weekend everyone!