Friday’s ‘rainbow’ home learning ideas


Hello Nursery children and families.


To start us today we have a number wake and shake:




Today I would like your child to become an artist. We have talked about what an artist is in Nursery; the children may tell you about ‘Mrs Meddins the artist’ when we do our phonics learning.

Wassily Kandinsky is a famous artist who was born in Russia. He was a painter and a pioneer of abstract art. He is known for his inventive use of colour. Take a look at some of Kandinsky’s art. What can you see? Can you create your own Kandinsky inspired artwork?


The next activity I would like you to do is make a camera from card with a big hole in the middle. Once you have made your camera write a letter from the alphabet, say the sound; can you take a ‘photograph’ of things beginning with that sound.


Next is an outdoor activity; write some numbers outside, tell your grown up what number you have written. Once you have written lots of numbers, your grown up can shout out a number and you can ride your bike or scooter or run to that number.