Home Learning – Tuesday 30th June

Good Morning!


This week we are going to be looking at Rainbow Fish! This is such an amazing story! If you would like to read it yourselves here is a PowerPoint: Rainbow Fish Story

If you would like to listen together, here is the video:


Print off these pictures of the characters or make your own. The-Rainbow-Fish-Puppets

Stick them to sticks or to your fingers and act out the story. Can your child remember what the rainbow fish says to the the little blue fish? What about the octopus? Ask your child, what comes next and see if they can remember! 

Medium: 3 Boxes

Create a storyboard for the story of The Rainbow Fish. After you have read the story, ask your child what happens at the start, middle and the end of the story. Draw a picture for each part and then have a go at writing a sentence for each. 

Spicy: 6 Boxes

As above, but break up the story a little bit more. Ask your child what happens at the every beginning, then why does the little rainbow fish become upset? 

Write a full sentence in each box. Don’t forget full stops, capital letters and finger spaces.  


Ted has just made his lunch when Pup came over. 









Mild: When you have something to eat. Ask your child to show you how they could share their food. Show them different ways of breaking the food up. Is this fair? 

Medium: (Have a look for Spicy as well)

Ted wanted to share his lunch with Pup so he decided to cut it in half. 









Ask your child how you think Ted should cut his sandwich in half. 





This is how Ted decided to cut his sandwich. Is there another way to cut his sandwich in half?











Next he cut his banana and his apple. How should he cut those? If you have those fruit, have a go at showing an adult where to cut. 







Did he share them fairly? Is there another way to cut his lunch in half? 







Next Ted and Pup share some crisps and some other small foods. Can you count out 4 crisps (or any other small countable food – grapes, sweets, biscuits). Can you share them so that Ted and Pup each have half? 

Can you do this with: 2   –   6    –    8   –     10? Now try with 5. Why can’t you share with equally with 5? Are there any other numbers that you can’t share in half equally? 

Cheeky Challenge: Do you know what a quarter is? Can you cut your sandwich into quarters? Can you share your crisps with four people? 

Extra Activity

All you need for this is an old CD, some glue, some card, a sharpie or other permanent marker and some shiny things to stick on top!