Home Learning – Friday 3rd July

Good morning!

I hope we are all well! We have made it to Friday! Only two more weeks of school! Oh no!



I would like you to help your child to draw a self portrait. Can they think about what makes them special? I’m sure as the adult you can think of lots of reasons, but try and encourage your child to think about it themselves. Why are they amazing? Have a look at their portrait together. Does it look like anyone else? Do they act like anyone else? Think of some words to describe their self. Have a go at writing their name! Can they write it on their own?


Ask your child to draw a picture of themselves. Around the outside of their picture, ask them to write all the things that make them special. It could be their eyes, nose or mouth. It could be their kindness, their generosity or their compassion. Ask your child to have a go at sounding out each of the words by themselves. 

Cheeky Challenge: Can they write a sentence: I am special because… 


Ask your child to draw a picture of themselves. Make sure they leave a big space on the inside of their bodies so that it’s more of an outline.

Around the outside of their picture, ask them to write all of the things that is special about the way they look. This could be their hair, eyes, legs. These reasons could just simply be descriptions of the way they look because they are unique! 

On the inside of their picture, ask them to write all of the reasons they are special that come from within them. This includes all the things they are good at, all of their personality traits, all of their dreams. For example they might write: fabulous at football, really kind, super creative. 


Mild and Medium:

For this activity you need a balloon or a soft ball ( you could even use a rolled up pair of socks!) 

You are going to count how many actions you can do while your ball or balloon is in the air! 


Try: claps, jumps, hops. 

Next you can see how many keepie-uppies you can do with your ball! Make sure you are counting! That’s the important part. Who can get the most? 


As above but make it into a competition! Can you keep a tally? Who wins each round? Who wins overall? 

Extra Activity

Complete some rainbow fish art! You can create a rainbow fish or a little blue fish or any of the other characters. Here are some lovely ideas: