Home Learning – Thursday 30th June

Good Morning Everyone!

I hope we are all well! Keep the hard work!


What makes The Rainbow fish special? Is it just his looks? Is it who he is? 


Reread The Rainbow Fish. Have a talk about what makes him special? Why does everyone want to play with him at the start of the story? Can you think of any words to describe what the Rainbow fish looks like? 

Have a go at drawing the Rainbow Fish!


As above. As you think of words to describe the rainbow fish, fill them in his scales

Here is one I have started:







Write sentences for the Rainbow Fish, the Little Blue Fish and the Octopus. They should start with “The Rainbow Fish is special because…”. Try and use more than one word to describe why they are special. Encourage your child to expand the words that they are using and to use exciting words! 

Talk to your child about why their names have capital letters. Does their name have a capital letter? 



Have a go at making some clapping patterns. 

Have the children make up their own clapping patterns too! It doesn’t just have to be clapping, you can use your whole bodies! Go slow to start with and then you could get faster!

Medium and Spicy:

Have a go at this game. There are 3 levels to choose from. Start at Level 1 and move up through the levels once your child feels more confident. 

Level three is really tricky! 

Extra Activity 

Have a go at making an aquascope! This helps you see underwater! Read how to make one here. 

If you live near a pond or a river you could use it to have a look underwater. If you are not sure how clean the water is, I would use a long tub like a pringles tube or a plasic bottle. If you don’t live by any water, just use it in the bath tonight and pretend! 

Have a cracking day!