Home Learning – Tuesday 7th July

Good morning everyone!



Have a go at tracing over these shells and words: Tracing. If you can’t print the sheet, just have a go at drawing your own shell and writing over the words!


Crab, Blob and Brush’s shell is too small. They all need special things from their home. Can you think what those things might be?

Can you design a new shell home for the three friends? What would it look like? Would it be special?

Draw a fancy new shell and add labels. Can you write a sentence? Start it off with “The new shell will have… “

Don’t forget capital letters, finger spaces, and full stop!


As above but add an explanation. Why is this design much better than their last shell? Start off with “This shell is the best because…” Try and write more than two reasons as to why it is so special.


Today we are talking about ordinal numbers. This is being able to use the language of  first, second, third etc. and to be able to put these in the correct order.


Have a look at the pictures of Blob, Brush and Crab.

Who lived in the shell first?

Who lived in the shell second?

Who lived in the shell third?







Make your own bristle worms. Use your worms to have races. For each race, award the winners 1st, 2nd 3rd. All you need is paper and straws. You can play with all the family to make it more challenging!


Make bristle worms and have races just like above. This time, put a timer on for 10 seconds, who can travel the furthest? Add a finishing line – who can complete a race in the fastest time? Make sure you award the 1st, 2nd and 3rd!

Extra Activity

Listen to this super fun and catchy song:


Can you make up your own dance moves? Or even your own words? 

Baby Brush do do do …