Home Learning – Wednesday 15th July 2020

Good morning!

I hope we ARRRRR feeling well this morning! 

What’s a pirate’s favourite shop? 


 What is a pirate’s favourite lesson in school?



Today we are going to pretend we are real pirates! First find out what your pirate name is: 









Have a go at the purple mash/mini mash pirate mash cam.

Reception: enter mini mash – click on the drop down for pins – choose mash cams – pirate mash cam – click the face to put your face in! Don’t forget to save it! 

Year 1: enter purple mash – click on your to do’s – find pirate mash cam – click the face to put your face in! Don’t forget to save it and hand it in. 


Draw a picture of you as a pirate! What makes you a pirate? Do you have an eye patch? Can you have a go at copying your pirate name?


Can you draw a picture of your self as a pirate? What makes you a super awesome pirate? Can you write your name and a sentence to explain what makes you a super cool pirate? It could be a special skill, or an awesome hat or even that you are famous for doing something incredible like finding lost treasure! 


As above but can you include: what you look like, what you are good at and what your pirate ship looks like!



Have a go at this game. Choose either up to 5 or up to 10 for a challenge. 


Have a go at this game. Choose up to 10 or up to 20 for a challenge! 


Have a go at the medium game and choose up to 100 (tens). 

Challenge: Have a go at this odd and even game

Extra Activities: 

Have a go at designing your pirate flag to match your pirate character!
